Thursday, December 25, 2008

Who Isn't Home Today?

Well, it is Christmas day and daddy or mommy have to be on duty. It is hard to have a parent who is in law enforcement. They sometimes miss birthday celebrations, holidays, school functions, etc. They miss these occasions because they are out there making the area a better, safer place so you and I can enjoy it. It is hard to be a kid of a cop. We just have to remember our Friends and neighbors are living in a safer, saner world because one or more of our parents is 10-8. Have your celebrations early if possible. School functions can't be changed so they just have to make sure they maker it when they can and hope their child understands. With email parents can now talk to their child's teachers. Helping a child make a scrap book of school functions helps. This gives you both a chance to talk about the functions and to share quality time. If it helps, have your child call me. I'm an ex-teacher and I understand how it feels to have a parent miss your functions. Better yet, why don't you call or e-mail me and get rid of the guilt you may be experiencing. There is always a time to make up for missed activities, however, we don't always realize it. Remember officer, deputy, agent, what every your title is, my family appreciates your sacrifice and I am here for you to talk to. Sounds corny, but it might help. Let me know. Go 10-6 and take the time to call or write an email. More later. Merry Christmas from one who is still 10-8.
Mr. G.

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