Sunday, December 28, 2008

Demonstrating in the EndZone


The tight end dropped off his blocking assignment and cut across the field in the open. The quarterback threw a perfect pass and the tight end loped into the end zone for a touchdown. Did the end turn to his teammates and acknowledge their blocks? No! Did he turn to the quarterback and acknowledge the perfect pass? No! Did he turn to the sideline and thank the coaches and other players for their input and training? No! He turned to the crowd , raised both hands like a conquering hero as if to say, "Look what I have done!" Well, I have news for him. He hasn't done anything by himself. Without the help of everyone mentioned so far he wouldn't have scored the touchdown. What ever happened to the guys like Earl Campbell who simply ran over to the ref and gave him the ball? What happened to the Earl Campbell's who then ran back to his teammates and patted them on the back saying, " Great job! look what WE have done!" Today, we have players who shake, dance, gesticulate, etc. to the crowd in order to captured the limelight. Sports announcers and newspaper writers defend this behavior and complain about the "NO DEMONSTRATING RULE?" "It is only good fun", they say. Well, I say it is an example of what our society is becoming and it doesn't speak well for America. Basketball players demonstrate when they score a basket. They taunt the other players and wave to the crowd. Remember when that was called POOR SPORTSMANSHIP?Baseball players hit home runs and stride around the bases with hands held high as if to say, "look at me!" Forget coaches, trainers, groundskeepers, ticket agents, equipment managers, teammates, etc. What ever happened to humility? What happened to team spirit? What are our young people learning from these role models? Are we becoming a society that exist for self? Are we becoming a society that no longer recognizes teamwork? Are we becoming a society that looks out for self at the expense of others? How do law enforcement officers deal with people who don't think of others; who don't respect the law? Who do not recognize the fact that consequences always happen when you break the law. In future articles I will talk about the Criminal Justice System, the School Systems, business conglomerates, etc. who are demonstrating to promote self instead of one another. Till then -- Stay safe and wait for back up. Mr. G., Still 10-8

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